Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wondering about Windyville

About a week ago, I went with my friends Courtney and Whitley to a little town called Windyville. The town isn't home to much; it's basically the intersection of two country highways, a couple rundown buildings, and a few houses. But it may be most known for being home to the national headquarters of the School of Metaphysics. Yeah, national headquarters.

The School of Metaphysics isn't something I know much about, but it's gotten kind of a bad reputation around here. Most dismiss it as a cult or something, but I don't know for sure what exactly it is. Apparently they offer tours of their premisis, and as intriguing as it seems, I probably won't ever work up the nerve to participate.

Besides the School, Windyville has somewhat of a reputation for being a haunted and abandoned town. Courtney, Whitley and I have visited several times, mostly out of curiosity. Friends of friends had supposedly had run-ins with School of Metaphysics members, and been chased back to Lebanon by a white pickup truck. I know that we've all felt it's a slightly creepy place. We've never caught any solid evidence of the paranormal, really, but last week, we did have a unique experience.

As we drove on the gravel road that passes the School of Metaphysics' land, we noticed that the barn on the opposite side of the road had a peacock in it. We all kind of laughed, but then we noticed what seemed to be the screams of multiple people some distance away. Our first thought was that it was something on the radio, but the radio was completely off. My next thought was the peacock, so I asked, "Do peacocks make that sound?" Apparently, they do not. The sound seemed to be coming from the land at the right side of the road. We were directly in front of the School's land, which was on our right.

I can't say for sure what the sounds were, but it did legitimately creep us out. We've never had anything like that happen, but I know I floored my Liberty to get us out of there.


  1. My mom was a member of School of Metaphysics and they are manipulative people. My mom still believes in many of their beliefs but I think after my mom saw many things, like women being felt up my "Dr. Dan", she left. You can also become a "Dr." ---It isnt any Ph.D!
    She has been "excommunicated" since she did leave. I've been to many of their functions and always thought it was a cult. They prey upon weak people and act like they can help them. I wouldnt be surpised if they do horrible things to women and children.

  2. Without commenting on the school (googling about it brought me here), and without hearing what you heard... I will say peacocks are noisy bastards, and they can indeed make a noise that could sound like someone screaming to the right ear.

    1. My dad used to have them, they'd perch on the house top. We thought it was so funny when people would come over and when the peacocks would caw or whatever it's called. We'd act like we didn't hear it or know what they were talking about, they'd get it figured out after a bit, but it was so funny to us as kids, cause it sounded like someone was yelling. HELLLLLLP! HELLLLLP!
