Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Haunting: Drury Edition

Dorky as it may sound, when I was checking into colleges a few years ago, "haunted" surroundings ranked right up there with a great academic program and community atmosphere. Lucky for me, Drury's campus--and Springfield in general--is crawling with alleged hauntings. So, I'm going to give a brief rundown of spooky places: a Who's Who of Hauntings, if you will.

Today, I'll focus on campus hauntings because, let's face it, most of my time is spent on Drury's campus. After hearing the tales attached to certain buildings, and experiencing those places for myself, I've gotten a good feel for what's considered haunted around here.

First of all, there is Wallace Hall, one of three residence halls. It's also the oldest one, dating back to 1925. There are stories of the basement being haunted, possibly by a girl who committed suicide down there. The basement is, in fact, quite creepy. But haunted? Maybe, maybe not. Then again, I never lived in Wallace. My heart goes out to all those residents who have to pump quarters into the basement's washing machines, though.

Next, there is Smith Hall, another residence hall, and the one I lived in when I first came to DU. As the story goes, the hall sits where some Victorian homes used to stand. Years ago, one of the houses burned to the ground, and a small girl was killed in the fire. Legend has it that she might have lived if she hadn't remained in the home to try to find her beloved teddy bear. During my time in Smith, some girls who lived in the west wing of the second floor constantly had trouble with their teddy bears ending up in different places around the room, and their unplugged radios turning on by themselves. Maybe the little girl is still roaming around....

Sunderland field, now home to lacrosse games and frisbee tossing, is supposedly built upon a sacred Native American burial ground. Personally, the creepiest thing I've seen on the field is mid-winter sunbathers.

Clara Thompson Hall, home to campus and community musical performances, as well as Convocation series, is rumored to be inhabited by a ghost who likes to play the piano. No one seems to know who the ghost might be, but shadow-like apparitions are said to be seen, and doors seem to close on their own sometimes.

Wilhoit Theater, in the Breech building, is said to be home to a spirit named "Bob." Flickering lights are sometimes noticed. Strangely enough, the theater is named for Bob Wilhoit....

Hopefully, this gives you a little more information about another side of Drury's campus. If possible, I hope to add to this list.

Join me next week for the stories behind some off-campus haunts!


  1. I actually know people who have seen Clara Thompson [recently...like less than a month ago.] and also someone who had things thrown at her in Wallace! One of the RA's from Smith last year actually heard a voice in my soon to be dorm room, before move in when positively no one was in the building [including any other RA's..] I love this stuff! Good luck on your hunt!

  2. Very cool! I didn't know there were so many ghosts on campus. I lived in Smith for a semester on the third floor, and I would often hear strange things, the door would sometimes randomly open itself... and the remote control to the TV disappeared, never to be seen again (a cruel joke, even for a ghost). I'm excited to see what other places in Springfield are haunted!

  3. Creepy! I got spooked reading this, hahah. I had heard of these haunts but didn't know the stories behind them. I liked that the picture you posted of Wallace looks like it definitely could be haunted, with the dark lighting. I can't wait see what else you come up with:)

  4. I laughed. I really love your style. Funnily enough, my high school theater had a "Bob" ghost. I wonder if maybe it's just a common theme in performance halls--ghosts named Bob ^_^

  5. I love how you have put up all the wonderful ghost stories for Drury! I truly appreciate all of them and how great they made the Fall Fest Scavenger hunt a couple years ago. I just thought I could add to the Clara story with the rumor that if someone plays a piano on stage at night one seat will be down in the audience which is Clara Thompson listening.
    When Drew and I were looking for some creepy stories about campus a couple years ago we talked to Bill Garvin in the library. He has access to practically all of Drury's history in the library basement... it's really interesting!
