Sunday, May 23, 2010

A New Page

After nearly a year-long hiatus from blogger-dom, I have returned! Just a moment ago, I re-read the last post I had written, and had to laugh at the fact that I am in much the same position as I was a year ago. Yes, a few things are different. For example, I'm no longer a college student; instead I'm a recent grad full of hope that maybe I'll get a 'real' job soon. And, I'm a rent-paying adult!

Up until about two days ago, I was in exactly the same spot as I was in my previous post, at least in regards to searching for a local paranormal team. The emails I sent out over the past year to numerous paranormal teams were only rarely met with a response, and never met with a real opportunity to go along on an investigation. Needless to say, I was bummed, and kind of put the paranormal stuff on my mental back burner. But in the past couple of months, I've really regained my hankering to do some more investigations, and just last week I promised myself that I would contact one more local group. If I got a response, I'd be happy to check out the team, but if I didn't get a response (which seemed more likely at the time), I'd just point my currently-unemployed energies toward setting up my own investigation team.

So, the search was on to pick out a local investigation group to email. The first site I stumbled across was the Southwest Ghost Finders' website. It stated that they were more than just an investigation team; they're like a family. My first thought was, "Bingo!" It sounded like a great group, so I went out on a limb and sent them an email. I didn't figure I'd get a response, so imagine my surprise when I got a really polite and welcoming email!

So, a couple of phone calls later, we got a meeting set up. Just a couple hours ago, I met with Kim and Susan, and I was so impressed with the real sense of pride they have in the team. They even invited me to join them on an upcoming hunt!

Words can't describe how cool it is to meet people who share an interest in ghosts and hauntings and whatnot. It's even more amazing to know they're in my own town! I'm so excited to get the opportunity to go on a case with them and learn even more about my passion, the paranormal.

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