Sunday, April 19, 2009

My big break! Hopefully...

This weekend, I found myself watching the most recent episode of Ghost Hunters as I put off my homework. As I watched Jason, Grant, and the crew investigate a Titanic exhibit in Georgia (I think it was Georgia, at least….) I noticed an advertisement at the bottom of the screen.

I immediately started screaming when I saw what it said, which was something to the effect of “Apply online to be a part of the next Ghost Hunters crew.” I literally ran to my computer and logged on to the Sci Fi channel's GH website and tracked down the scoop.

Apparently, the producers are looking for new ghost hunters to be in a series called Ghost Hunters: Next Generation. Sign me up!

I quickly and eagerly sent in my application, and am now crossing my fingers! I know they’re probably going to receive about a billion applications, and my chances are slim to none, but I’m still hoping that they’ll pick me! A girl can dream, right?

My ghost hunting mentors, Grant and Jason.

Check out the Sci Fi channel's website for more details about Next Generation!!


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, too!

  2. I saw that too! P.S. That was a pretty good investigation. I saw the commercial and hoped they were in Branson, since that billboard is still up, but alas....anyway, good luck! bring them here if you win!!!

  3. Super cool Millie! I hope you mentioned this awesome blog that you've been working so hard on to show your dedication. :)

    Keep us posted!

  4. Haha, I totally included a link to my blog in the application! I hope they notice how I mention them in basically every entry!

  5. Holy Moly, Millie! I had to have been sidetracked when my BFF and I were watching? I can't believe I totally missed that ad last week??? Yay! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya, too!

  6. haha I can only hope I see you on there someday soon! My friends are applying for the Amazing Race, too, so maybe if you both get it, you can all go talk about your reality tv experiences:)
