Friday, June 12, 2009

A real investigation???

It's finally summer. The sun's out (well, for the moment. The dark clouds to the west may bring that to a screeching halt momentarily), it's hot, and for the next several weeks, I don't have to worry about classes.

So, I can focus on my real passion: the paranormal. I've been emailing like crazy, in an amateur attempt to get in contact with a real paranormal investigation group. I just reeeealllly want to go a legitimate investigation that includes a little more than a couple digital cameras and a cheap digital voice recorder.

I've heard back from a couple of groups, most recently Missouri Ozark Paranormal Society (MOPS), based in Camdenton, MO. Their next investigation is going to be Wilson Cemetery in Lebanon, which you may recognize from an earlier post of mine. I'm unbelievably excited about the possibility of investigating with this group!

I'll keep you updated on any news!